Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hello Again

So, I've been really really slacking on updating this page! So here goes a round two.

Hey, I've been enjoying my life as a new mommy and recently getting back into work-mode as a working mommy. So that's 2 major transitions sisters. Wait, there's more... Breastfeeding Engineer, Poop Technician, Smile and Giggle Jockey, 'OMG his clothes are already not fitting' Inspector, Sleep Protector (thanks Jo), new Moms Group member, Wanna be fashionista, Nanny Interviewer, Gas Systems Analyst, Diaper Detailer, Snap-n-Go Slave, Car Seat Commissioner, Paci Promoter and Mom.

Our little Sean is now 4 months old--as of yesterday. I laughed, I cried and the hormones don't stop, well they've leveled off, thank god--but worth every second. Mommyhood has changed me. For a while there I was trying to be perfect with everything I did. Only feed every 2.5 hours (well he is screaming), only nap in crib (ok anywhere he can get it), don't give him a paci/no do b/c a fingers just a dirty (ok anything to soothe him) and so on and so on. Now I'm so chill, but it might have something to do with these new 4 mo. old night screams... This past weekend we went back up to my sisters for a fall family get together--so much fun and Sean woke up 2 hours after going down (which btw is the strangest mom expression) screaming bloody murder. He did this again on Sunday night and last night was filled with little distant whines every two hours for food. No fever, nothing hanging off, many tears, no signs of teeth. So we've put it down to the age-old "he's going thru a growth spurt". (another new expression I love which is the best catch-all way to feel relief.)

I was so consumed with getting everything right that little by little I was figuring it "all out" I had to force quit and go with the flow. Something I 'thought' I was doing from the beginning. But, like everything else in this life, he'll survive--as long as he's bathed, changed, fed, put to bed and most of all loved.

We love our little Sean, he definitely has his own little personality now. Everyone that meets him says 'wow what a good baby', 'he's so chill', 'he's so alert!'. He's moved on from the 0-3 months 'just laying there' to almost sitting up, tickles, giggling, pinching, holding his own hands, examining our faces and noises and beginning to take on little boy-isms. We introduced rice cereal to our little chunker mainly to get him to stretch out that every 2.5 hour feeding and fill him up, let alone learn how to eat. He's 16 lbs and lovely.

Some things a new mom should have:

Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover: (Saves me from being weird about breastfeeding in public!) What is so great about it--is the wire around the neck, you can check on little man while he feeds. Not so great, wish it had a white liner on the inside he becomes easily distracted, but it's a good reminder for me to stay in tune!

Alexabella Pacifier Clip: This little ditty I wish I'd made, but as a new mom you have zero time to fart around. Big life saver when bringing little one outside into the world! Plus, it came with a fancy silver clip that works on any outfit.The Wubbanub Infant Pacifier -- Sean took this really well, b/c he couldn't hold the regular smoothie in his mouth. He lays his hands on top of this little guy and it stays put! Great idea!

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

your paci puppy is here by the way. Yesterday, Jake kept saying.. pac pup pac pup.. I was like huh? then in he walked with itin his mouth!!!!