Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby's Here!

Yep, I've been really really bad at updating this thing.... I did have a really good excuse there for a few weeks (c-section, couldn't sit at this computer to work at all!) but now the times up... :)

Well, world---our lovely little boy is here now, as you may have heard. We have spent the past 3 weeks getting acquainted with our little man and he getting to know a little bit about us too. It's really been the best time of my life and I can't wait to continue to share it with him.

Sean Kenan Koroglu, (Sean b/c we heart that name) and Kenan b/c it's pronounced "Key-nun" in Ireland and "Ken-an" in Turkey so it fits well for both families. :)

We LOVE him. He's really perfect in our eyes and I can't believe I'm a MOM! He does this little "O" face every now and then when he's really curious and happy he raises his little eyebrows, opens his eyes all the way open and makes the cutest little "o" with his lips. He's precious and perfect to us. He has more little tricks to share, so I'll be sure to account for each one!

Mike bought us the domain name, so we'll be updating to that blog more frequently now w/photos since I can upload right from my iphone, very handy when you're doing it all with one hand.... thanks Mike!!!

Here are a few photos from Sean's birthday and a few really cute ones from when Joanne and Jacob came for their first visit with us!

Love, Nikki

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