Friday, October 23, 2009

Reading, Playing & Cereal

Sean is doing so much more these days. It seems like it happened overnight. All of a sudden he’s reading, writing and holding his own public speaking engagements.

His favorite book to date is a book from his friend Mrs. Cartlidge, lovingly entitled “Noisy Pals”. I believe you can get that here. He reads it all the time, even over coffee on Sunday mornings after he finishes the NY Times. When’s done examining all the images on one page, then the other, he attempts to hit the side of the page with his fist—which we interpret as ‘hey I’m done here folks, page-turn please’.

Last weekend one of Eko's best friends came to visit and brought Sean two very cute, very notorious stuffed animals. Sean would not stop holding Minnie and was mystified by her polka dotted bow. He's playing with toys now and holding things with two hands, a huge achievement!

So we need some advice... He hates rice cereal--bad, real bad. It's painful trying to get him to like it. He's 4 months old and 18 pounds, so he definitely does not need it for the weight, just the act of learning how to chew. The minute a little bit touches his lips he sticks out his tongue and throws his chest out. Maybe we'll try another kind?

At his 4 month check up the doctor said, more tummy time and more cereal! He's got a big body so they are telling me its harder for bigger kids to lift themselves. He does but she wants to see more. :)

He's sleeping "through the night" 8:45pm-7am--this is new thank god! He was getting up once a night for the past 3 months but the entire night is a huge gift for Mom! He's huge--he's really tall for his age, we'll see if that sticks b/c we're not that big. The weight is holding strong and he's at 95% for both weight and height so he's in proportion, we were worried he was a chunky boy, but he's good. :) My favorite part you ask? Yep, those little baby rolls of fatty and the second chinny chin chin.

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

just keep trying with the cereal he will eventually take to it. Also, you can add a wee bit of applesauce, makes it a little yummier.