Monday, October 26, 2009


This weekend we took Sean up to see his Gigi and Pop-Pop up in Bawlmer hon. It was fun to watch them interact. Sean had a blast and thank god, only woke up once through the night. I always wonder how he'll do when we're away from home, but he's for hte most part pretty good. We went for a fancy dinner with a few of their friends, very fun to "Corks" in Federal Hill, very nice (not kid friendly) but very good food and wine! Mamma indulged a bit even though I'm still nursing, its ok--just one and a little formula later doesn't hurt. 

We're really excited we bought Sean an "exersaucer" from a Mom here in Old Town.

It's all cleaned up and almost ready for action. Tonight we'll see how he does in it, he's dying for some fun he's gets easily bored these days and hates lying around in the boppy and the bouncer and on a blanket--he's such a boy! I'm afraid that little window of "baby" is growing smaller and smaller. So was the case atleast in "Corks" as well. No more sleeping thru dinner it appears, wah wah wahhhh!

Sunday we went back to Annapolis to look at the boats. Daddy is a big sailor so was really excited to look at the boats and race that was there for "M24's" Melges 24 World Championship. Sean was very excited too :).

Cereal - Ugh! Still hates it but we're keeping it coming. I've trying it tonight mixed with Apple Sauce. He's got that baby reflex that auto rejects it. It's sad but hilarious all at the same time. One day he'll like this stuff! We've tried a cereal from Whole Foods - Earths Best, hated it now we're on Gerber Mixed Cereal, hopefully fingers crossed he'll like it better!

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