Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sean's 1st Halloween has already come and gone... 

So much fun despite the rainy weather. We went down to Old Town Alexandria to Lee Street, it was so cute. Sadly, we missed the fun Moms Group tour, but made the best of it in the rain with Sean's new pumpkin costume, ala Aunt Joanne. How cute!?!? He was loving all the attention and the lights. He's so much fun now, he loves being held and smiling at strangers (could be a problem :).) staring at the costumes and people. I tried to get a few shots of him the minute we arrived with all the hub-ub up and down the infamous Lee Street, but Eko pointed out a good thing, 'Nikki, he's sleeping--let the kid sleep!' :)

Thanks Baba, I am a baby paparazzi.

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