Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

It's true. On days like today is when we miss you most Mom.

Sean is doing a whole list of new things. He's just starting to really sit-up by himself. He falls over, but he tries. He's on whole solid foods now and eats a small solid with his bottle at breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner with us in his big boy baby chair. :) His fingers are constantly in his mouth so little hands are always being washed. He loves sitting in his bouncer and on the couch propped up (of course, hates lying down) holding a book and staring at it for, minutes. :) My only fear has been little itty baby paper cuts, but thankfully we have soft books too. His little giggles have become more playful and goes into fits of laughter usually around dinner time when we see him in the evening. He knows when Daddy (or Baba) is coming home b/c he clearly looks at the door in anticipation--this I'm sure of now. The other day it was so funny, I looked down at him and he had one eyebrow raised. I said to him, how did you figure out how to do that? But he had and it was adorable--I wanted to share it with you so much. I thought of you so much last night in anticipation of today, so I just held Sean close and had some quiet time with him thinking of you.

Happy Birthday Mom, love ya--miss you!
Love, Nikki

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

ugh, love this post and i know she would too!