Tuesday, November 3, 2009

All things Sean

A fun video of Sean on his fancy Exersaucer - which he loves! Video here

So, size 3 I just can't believe it. Sean is just shy of 19lbs.. and it's time we moved onward and upward to size 3 diapers--shocking. We got a few free ones from a neighbor, and it's true--it's been true for some time.

What this means is we need to say bye-bye to the cutesy little Pampers Swaddlers! I'm so sad, they treated us well--never leaked, always so soft and did their jobs...so cute with the little Elmo's. Sigh. (Unless they read the blogs and want to start making them in size 3's?) Sniffle, sniffle.

So many people claim Target have great store brand items now. I'm curious about these "Target up and up diapers", at 14 cents a diaper, I'm intrigued. It may have to happen, and soon.

He is grabbing things, holding things with his vulcan grip. He still pinches the underside of arm, really hard to tell me he's hungry. That little trick hasn't ceased I'm sorry to say. :)

We're 2 weeks shy of 5 months old, he's so fun. He definitely knows who people are now by looking at them. He's figured out how to throw things within his crib which makes for funtimes on the baby monitor. Which, by the way we could not live without (still). There was an email going around on which one is best thru one of the Moms Group's list - here it is the "Summer Infant Day and Night Video Monitor", love it.

He only takes his paci now when he's really tired. He's funny I guess something just happened I have no idea how to figure it out, but he just suddenly hates it--I mean takes it and literally spits it out. He's been trying so hard to make sounds, all kinds of sounds when he plays, to get our attention it's great. We've moved on from the lowly bubble making that drips all over the floor to actual sounds that almost make their way into "bub" and "ahhh". I'm hoping he's trying for "Baba" which is Daddy in Turkish, that'd make Eko proud.

Sean is still a fickle baby, well what baby isn't? He must have his bottle warm, he "was" trained when I left maternity leave and went back to work but his nanny is so loving that she warms it all---ugh, sigh. :) He's still taking cereal at night with his dinner bottle and during the day with her in the morning. It fills him up and he's almost used to the act of eating now. We mix it up. I'm on the hunt for the first veg to introduce. It better happen quick I figure since he needs to start really eating in a month and half---yikes.

This adorable giggle continues. The kind that makes you want to keep tickling just to hear it. It's adorable, he loves watching us laugh and laughs along and mostly loves having his sides tickled. It's our favorite time at night before dinner playtime. It feels like we're just starting to see what he'll be like when he's older. So observant, so loving and loves attention--so mild mannered overall. We shall see!

Here's a photo of Pop-Pop with baby last time we were up in Bmore :).

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