Thursday, October 15, 2009


So little Sean has a cold, a little one. He has been fussy since this weekend and it hasn't stopped turning into the sniffles and a tiny little random cough. It's so sad he looks up at me like 'Mom what is going on?'. So sad but so cute I just wanna run home and cuddle him. We've been trying Little Noses spray and Baby Tylenol but so far not much has changed. A good warm bath may be in order for tonight.

He's officially out of his little baby socks, his feet are huge! I'm on the hunt for ones that stay on. Any suggestions?

A few more milestones for Sean... he's trying to hold things with BOTH hands (woohoo) he can't quite make a full rollover yet, but we're almost there. Has begun to pull his head up when we lift him--its a big one, he blows bubbles that sound like words. :) He is mezermized by leaves. Whenever we take him outside he just stares up at the trees in complete amazement, its' adorable I need to get a pic of this. His little eyes are so sensitive to light its unreal. The minute you go outside he squints and the second sun hits his face he fusses a little and closes his eyes. If there is light coming into his room he literally covers his face with his arm, if he's trying to sleep. It's too cute. Over the past two weeks he's started to giggle--you tickle his sides and he giggles its precious. Before he was looking up at us like 'what is going on here?', now we're getting giggles its great. Last night Mehmet and Lisa came by with little Olivia, she's so big now. She loves Sean and apparently at home calls herself Nikki while pushing around her teddy called "Sean". I love it!

Pic from this weekend before things got bad:


Unknown said...

Cutie pie!

What a Wonderful World said...

try the brand trumpette cute and stay on!