Monday, October 19, 2009

The fun happens at 4 months....

Since he hit four months he's gone from a cute piece of furniture to a movable baby with giggles, laughs, funny noises and sitting up (well sort of). He's so much fun and loves to play. Presenting our bumbo or as I call it at home "Le Bumbo" just to make it fancy. Loves it, but his chunky thighs present a problem for long-term use. :) Our 4 month old is wearing 6-9 and sometimes 12 month shirts. Scary! I can't wait until our appointment tomorrow to see how much he weighs, last weigh in was 16lbs., that was a month ago. :)

..and "the blue steel"...

1 comment:

What a Wonderful World said...

blue steel... priceless... does he have gas fights too??