Friday, February 26, 2010

8 months, already?

It's just insane how much time flies. I can't believe my little bitty baby is already a whopping 22lb. 8 month old -- BOY! (Ugh my back is killing me…)

In the past few months he's really changed so dramatically. He's saying "Baba" and “Mahmah” which is Daddy in Turkish, so we're assuming that's what that means. :) And the famous "Mah-mah".

He grabs toys and brings them (heh) to his mouth, little teeth seem to be on their way but nothing major is quite yet popping out. All the signs are there, the runny nose, the nighttime wake-ups, the entire hand in mouth. Unfortunately, he hates anything cold in his mouth, so the cute teething rings sort of defeat their purpose with us. AND the grunting has been going on—I know its him trying to communicate, but it’s not funny, its horrible! The loud, feed-me-faster semi-fit grunting. He’s pretty strong-willed, could be a problem later?

He’s so aware now of his surroundings, it’s scary how fast this happened. He knows when Mommy and Daddy are both coming home and when they leave in the morning (wahh, still hard for me, in fact, just recently god harder—it sucks!) He clings to me like a monkey now, it’s so cute but I’m a little afraid he’s going through a sort-of needy phase, hates to be left on his own or too long. I’m not sure what’s causing this, it’s cute but also a little difficult when you’re at home. He literally hangs on to the side of his crib from the floor  and can pick himself up off the floor by doing a pseudo-pull up. He’s strong!

Sean is quite active, oh my. He’s started throwing things from his high-chair, very fun. Loves reading books, as seen below... loves riding his train and horsey (from Gigi and Pop-Pop). Still needs a little help getting on and getting pushed but cracks up doing it. He's really developing into a very charming little man. Easily amused, thank god. He’s in love with his penguin which when treated like a punching bag, he just looses it, cracks up and can’t stop laughing—I love watching him.

It’s hard being a working mom BTW! Sometimes I can’t stand leaving him and other days I can’t imagine not doing what Iove. It’s so hard, but I know so many are dealing with this—so I’m not alone. Oh and STILL trying to get this work/baby/life schedule thing all figured out without feeling like a chicken with my head cut off. Someday… ok, maybe never.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hi Nikki! He is so cute and getting so big! Sounds like he is doing a lot of the same stuff as CJ! CJ is also going through the clingy phase and cries whenever we leave the room. Also, totally understand the working mom thing...I know exactly how you feel! It is so hard! Glad to hear you guys are all doing well though!