Wednesday, December 9, 2009

6 months this Friday!

Today we are 97th percentile for weight, so we need to keep watching our foodies! :) More tummy time, doctors orders--but aren't we cute? We love eating and everyone is helping me not each too much. I can almost pull myself up now and try to stand. I love laughing and making funny faces. I haven't quite figured out this bouncer, but we're on our way! I still love to read and just started picking things up and putting them in my mouth--but with both hands, yay!  PS - I have insane focus and still maintain my vulcan grip :).

Then.. some photos from our first day with snow! 

Playing with Miss Olivia!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First T-Day 2009

(Thanks for the pix everyone!)

Back up to Bmore for a family Thanksgiving. It was so fun to watch Sean interacting with his cousin Jake and all of the family. Even at 5 1/2 months I can see him watch Jake and begin to imitate. We had a blast.

He's still quite the novice on the jumper, but its cute to watch him hang there and look at everyone. Little by little he'll figure it out. He jumps like crazy in the exersaucer and I'm already seeing some serious muscles in those little thighs, serious thighs of steel. I am so glad we bought this jumper he loves it, he's figuring it out little by little - Evenflo, Jump 'N Go (great for traveling!)