Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Say goodbye to belly soon....

Say goodbye to the belly soon and hello to our new little boy.

This Thursday I am going in for a C-Section at 12:30pm at Alexandria Hospital. This kid is a big one and he keeps packin' on the pounds. Thanks for all of Ekrem's Moms gorgeous Turkish cooking---so are we. :)

More to come! Get excited, little Sean may be joining us.... THURSDAY!!! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little humor from Mike, must be a slow work day :)

"Wow, I can totally see a resemblance!" - Mike

Last Ultrasound!

We went a last (unexpected, but so happy to see him!) ultrasound this morning. Baby is weighing in at 8lbs. 6oz., a big baby so far! I think this is near what Jake was when he was born. The doctors wanted to see how big he was weighing in at and how large his head is, etc. etc. So, I’m hoping it won’t be long before he is here, at this rate a lb. a week would put him at over 9lbs. next week! Yikes!

Enjoy a little pic of little Sean’s face. He was covering it for most of the exam with his hands, but then at the end I think he felt like saying hi. He has chubby cheeks and hair! Color TBD!