Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day - Rolling Thunder

Can "Jon" Ekrem's cousin came to visit us before the baby comes this weekend and this weekend was also the "Rolling Thunder" in DC. A tribute to America's lost soldiers--very moving event, I'm so glad we got to witness it. 400,000 Motorcycle enthusiasts, some veterans, some veteran families the sound of the motorcycles rolling along together--incredibly moving.

More evidence

Yep, this is it--the home stretch... my stomach can only take so much :). These are from the weekend, more belly shots and proof that he is en route.

Baby Moving -- 37 weeks

It's never ending entertainment... the baby moving. :) Enjoy. Today puts me at a 16-day countdown! We can't wait for you to come little man!!! I'm feeling huge, but you better wait!

May 2 -Baby Shower!

Some photos from the great Baby shower Joanne and Carol threw for me on May 2nd! It was great to be surrounded by family and friends--I can't be more thankful! These are from my camera, but I'm waiting for the good ones from the family--more to come!

Love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Babymoon - Four Seasons - Punta de Mita, Mexico

34 weeks pregs and yep, we were there -- MEXICO! :) A few days in paradise, right before baby comes. It was great and long over due. The hotel was fantastic, they went way out of their way to make us feel at home, leaving me a body pillow so I could sleep well--notes on how to prepare for baby, special sweet treats, Eko went sailing...it was just fantastic all around.

Of course, on the second day, news of the swine flu broke so needless to say it concerned us and everyone at the resort, but we were 12 hours from Mexico City and in our little perfect isolated world, so we stayed in. It was a great time one we'll never forget--just breath-taking. We can't wait for baby!