Sunday, January 18, 2009

Babes we love...

Our Niece~Little Irmak & her "Dayia" (Uncle) Eko

Our nephew~ Little Jacob (Momma Jo and Me)

Little Jack & his sister Brooke!

Little Selim!

...his sister little Ceyla!

Little Olivia!

Little Ela!

Little Duru (Burcu w/Uncle Onur!)

A few photos from Christmas 2008

We made an overdue visit to see Adele, Mom's best friend in Bmore. It was great she met with Jacob and got to see the belly! We love you!

Jacob playing with Dads new gift---Thomas the Train. He loved it!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

19 1/2 weeks!

Say hello to the Belly!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Yep, we gotta boy!

I can't wait to see you little guy and say happy birthday I'm your mommy! Eko's little mini me is coming and I'm sure there will lots of sailing in our future. :)