Monday, December 22, 2008

What a Christmas gift....

We went for the first visit today to Alexandria Hospital where we took a closer look at baby. The spine and anatomy is perfect--we're thrilled! Eko finally saw the baby up close and personal and it's more real for him now. :) The doctor said the baby was moving around quite a bit and almost waving her/his hand at us. One hand clenched, the other waving--hilarious. It was really something and definitely the beginning of it all...

There may be more to come, we'll see at Christmas!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Can you hear my heartbeat?

This morning I heard the faint little noise of a 13-week old's heartbeat. It was at 150, which Joanne quickly told me to Google, b/c apparently you can tell the sex from the rate. So I did---according to this old wives-tale, if the heartbeat is over 140--it's a girl. We'll see if this makes sense in a few weeks... :)